The promotion for the 1st book in the series, A CORPSE IN THE SOUP, was a real success, with nearly 3,400 Kindle copies downloaded. Many thanks to everyone in the U.S. and all the other countries who downloaded copies.
With so many copies out now, we want to give people a chance to read them. I know sometimes I download a book and it takes me a while to get to reading it.
Also, we hope some of the people who read A CORPSE IN THE SOUP will post Amazon reviews. I can't begin to tell you how much authors appreciate reviews.
We will be rescheduling the promotion for the 2nd book in the series, TERROR IN A TEAPOT, for the beginning of the year, and it will most likely be a Kindle Countdown deal, but maybe free.
A promotion for the 3rd book in the series, VANISHING ACT IN VEGAS, will also be scheduled in 2016.
And the release of the 4th book, DIAMONDS IN THE DUMPSTER, is targeted for 2016.
Once again thanks for your support of the zany Silver Sister twins and their wacky family. Always laughs and lots of twists and turns.